When a puppy joyfully leaps up to jump on you or cries out when you say goodbye, it might be sweet. Yet, as babies become older, you anticipate that these once-cute behaviors will lessen. You don’t anticipate them to persistently, prod, growl, bark, or wreck furniture in an effort to obtain your attention. 

These problems in an adult dog could be a result of inadequate training, but they could also be symptoms of a disease or a need for medical care.

How do you distinguish between the two is the question.

Let’s examine attention-seeking behavior in dogs, the reasons why our empathetic companions might engage in these actions, and some of the most typical actions that may occur. We also offer some advice on how to deal with and control attention-seeking.


Why does my dog seek attention?

There are various explanations for why dogs seek out their human companions for attention. One motive for displaying these actions may be boredom. Dogs are very social creatures, and the majority of breeds enjoy engaging in mentally and physically challenging activities. Lack of mental stimulation or insufficient exercise can also cause attention-seeking behavior.

According to Aisling O’Keeffe, MVB, some strange habits, such as when a dog eats socks or underwear, may be the result of an unfulfilled psychological need but might have dangerous physical consequences like choking.

It’s important to determine whether your dog is ill or simply in need of attention when they start acting differently and to react accordingly.


Nudging and Pawing

Your dog is not merely saying hello when it paws or nuzzles you with its nose. They may be expressing a biological need or wanting to spend more time with you (hunger, a bathroom break, thirst, etc.)

Go them outside to play if they appear at ease and prepared to have fun, or arrange a stuffed Kong for them. On the other hand, if they paw or prod you when their tail is tucked, they appear stiff or distressed, or if they act frightened or ill, you should consult your veterinarian.


Whining and howling

Try to identify any clear causes for your dog’s howling or crying if it happens out of the blue. Similar to the last nudging, it’s possible that they need to use the restroom or that their favorite toy is out of reach. leanado ado ado ado ado ado ado ad There’s no reason to be alarmed in these situations.

If there isn’t a clear cause for the howling, your pet can simply be bored and use vocalization as a way to let out pent-up energy. Make time for a brain-engaging activity if that is the case. Owners of huskies and beagles are aware that some breeds are just “talkative” more than others.

They could be suffering from separation anxiety if the wailing continues after playing or happens when you’re not there. In that situation, we advise speaking with a professional trainer. Consult a veterinarian right away if they appear sick or in pain.


A lot of barking

There are various underlying problems that might cause excessive barking. Regrettably, despite their best efforts, our dogs are unable to accurately express what is wrong at any one time, thus it is up to us as their guardians to make the best judgment we can.

We’re not talking about barking to say hello to strangers or to scare away that squirrel from your backyard. Overbearing barking is constant and frequently directed at you.

Your dog could just want to play for a while instead of howling. They might have grown a terrible habit out of boredom to pass the time. Moreover, they might become agitated, especially if they bark uncontrollably at people or other dogs. A skilled R+ trainer could be helpful in that situation.

If the barking continues, your pet may be in pain or anxious, in which case you should see a veterinarian. To rule out any health issues, they can give them a full physical or offer drugs.



Particularly when they are teething, puppies frequently chew on anything and everything. As kids become older, the behavior should lessen, but if it doesn’t, it may indicate an anxiety issue. Spending extra time with your pet or providing them with appropriate chew toys to help them get rid of any stored energy are good places to start. You could require assistance from a trainer or veterinarian if it worsens or starts to cause damage.

Of course, your dog might display attention-getting actions in addition to those mentioned above. It’s more crucial to understand that seeking the assistance of a veterinarian and trainer should be a top priority if the habits continue despite your intervention efforts.

See a veterinarian if your dog exhibits any of the following symptoms, whether or not attention-seeking behaviors are present:

  • Uncharacteristic weight gain or decrease
  • Stomachaches such as nausea or diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Alterations in appetite
  • Hesitancy to “go outside.”


How to handle attention-seeking Behaviors

Mutual Exchange

Relationships with others are reciprocal. Don’t do all the giving while your dog does all the taking. At least twice a day, plan some controlled engagement time and think of unique ways to express your love for them. Your dog’s mood can change even with just a little one-on-one attention.

Reward Good Conduct

Along with your regular, structured time together, praise positive actions whenever you notice them. Praise or reward your dog when they are quiet and playing with their toys.

Deter Temper Tantrums

If your dog exhibits a “tantrum,” or an emotional outburst, rule out any medical conditions or urgent biological requirements first (bathroom, food, water). If the emotion has no apparent cause, suppress it by ignoring it or start a quick training session to change the behavior.




You can’t take your dog to the vet right away every time they act attention-seeking, even if you have pet insurance. Because of this, it’s important to understand how to recognize if your dog is truly ill or whether they are simply yearning for some one-on-one time and how to react accordingly. It’s great for your pocket and your bond.

After doing your research and ruling out any health conditions, you can concentrate on the current issue and find the source of the behaviors. They might require more intensive instruction or just some extra time spent cuddling with you.