Recently, has your dog been acting depressed or sad? Do you suspect your dog of having depression? These typical signs and remedies will help your pet feel well quickly.

Do dogs experience depression? Can your best friend be depressed? This is a typical query from pet owners. Yes, dogs may experience depression, thus the answer to your question is yes. It’s obviously not uncommon, even if it’s rarely as complicated and severe as clinical depression in humans.

Your dog may appear distressed and aloof if they are depressed. However, as a loving pet owner, you don’t need to be concerned because the issue may be resolved if it is correctly identified.

We’ll talk about the causes, signs, and remedies for dog depression in this post.


What Causes Your Dog’s Depression?

Dogs may get depressed for a variety of causes. Targeting the cause can frequently be a good way to start solving the issue, so don’t worry. The following elements may contribute to your dog’s depression:


Depression in dogs is sometimes brought on by certain medical problems, such as an illness. Because of this, you should take your dog to the vet’s office as soon as you notice any signs of sadness. For your pet’s health, it’s critical to rule out any physical issues before attempting anything else.

If your veterinarian diagnoses a health problem, get the necessary care. However, if they are unable to identify a physical reason for your dog’s depression, ask the vet what they believe the cause might be. No matter the problem, your veterinarian will be able to adequately treat it without you having to take money out of your savings account if you have a pet insurance plan like MGS Insurance Agency in place.


Depression in dogs might result from particular phobias or fears. Your dog may suffer from a severe phobia that makes him anxious and fearful. To avoid appearing vulnerable, he or she may not express the phobia openly, but they can undoubtedly avoid engaging in routine tasks for safety.


Grief can also be experienced by dogs. Your dog may be feeling down if a family member in your home recently passed away, moved, or perhaps a neighborhood pet your dog liked to play with went away or moved. Although legally you can’t communicate death or loss to your pet, animals do experience grief in a similar way to us.

Environmental Modifications

Have you just adopted a pet, had a baby, or moved into a new home? All these factors, and even changes in weather, might be a typical cause of canine depression that goes unreported. Even humans have problems adjusting to significant changes, and occasionally we ourselves may even go through seasonal sadness.

So why are these feelings shared by our furry friends? Dogs typically take their time to adjust to new situations. Consult with your veterinarian to develop a strategy to make this process less stressful for your dog if you suspect that environmental changes may be upsetting your puppy.


Is Your Dog Missing You?

Are you a pet owner who is overworked or frequently on the road? Sadly, a lack of attention or compassion from pet parents can cause dogs to feel unhappy. Separation anxiety is another name for this; it is a condition where dogs get overly attached to their owners or other family members.



Depression in Dogs: Symptoms

We’re all familiar with the signs of sadness in people, but how does the illness manifest in our canine friends? What should you be cautious of?

Here are a few typical signs of canine depression:

  • Low energy levels: Normally active dog now wants to nap all day.
  • Loss of interest in previously enjoyed hobbies, like playing
  • Reduction in appetite
  • More sleep than normal
  • Anxiety signs and an increase in aggressive and whiny behavior
  • A lot of licking, especially on their paws
  • No desire to engage with other dogs or animals inside the home

Experts also view frequent swallowing and napping as a sign of depression. They clarify that some dog breeds are more likely than others to experience depression. 

So that you can watch out for indications of sadness, stress, or anxiety in your dog, do some study on the breed of dog you have and speak with your veterinarian.


How Can You Help a Depressed Dog?

It’s not fun to watch your dog or cat go through a difficult time as a pet parent who loves their dog more than anything. It’s true that with a few pointers and tricks, you can do more good than you might imagine.

Since dogs are unable to verbalize their emotions, it is crucial to recognize the early indicators of depression and take prompt action.

Give your dog more attention

This is crucial if you’ve recently been especially busy or away from your dog. Even if that isn’t the case, giving your dog additional attention through playtime or cuddling sessions will definitely lift their spirits.

You can experiment with playing various games and sports like tug of war, hide and seek, and fetch. Just be mindful not to go overboard as you can unintentionally be encouraging their depressing conduct. Include some appropriate areas for your dog to express their emotions and decompress.


Most dogs enjoy interacting with people, and being alone can be lonely. If your dog has been spending more time alone lately, it might be time to take them out so they can interact with other animals. You can accomplish this by frequently going to a dog park or a dog daycare.

Stay Active

Similar to humans, giving your dog frequent exercise and some fresh air will improve their attitude. Regular runs or walks with your dog are essential to noticing long-term changes. Many dogs have enormous levels of energy, and if they are unable to use it properly, it can cause boredom. 

This boredom has the potential to transform into unhappiness and depression later on.

Routine Schedule

A good routine can be very beneficial for your dog. Your dog will feel better if you take him/her for walks in the evening at the same time every day, feed them at the same time, or even take him/her for grooming sessions occasionally.



We are aware that it might be difficult to see your animal friends suffer harm or sadness. But every now and again, we all go through ups and downs. If you take the right steps, such as consulting a veterinarian to rule out any physical issues and treating the underlying problem, your dog will quickly return to its upbeat self.