Off-roading is the practice of driving a vehicle on natural, untraveled pathways. On such gorgeous outings, people love the thrill and freedom they feel.

It’s invigorating and relaxing to drive near to nature on concrete-free paths. However, off-road driving can occasionally be dangerous, resulting in vehicle damage and injuries.

You must be ready to deal with such unforeseen circumstances. Let’s see if off-road driving is covered by auto insurance and if it provides financial protection in the event of damage or injuries in this post.

Off-road driving is a high-risk adventure sport that may be excluded from auto insurance coverage. Adventure sports may be specifically listed as an exclusion by some insurers.

Accidents are, however, covered by car insurance. If you want Own Damage insurance (insurance against damage to your insured automobile), you’ll need to purchase a Comprehensive Car Insurance policy.


What is off-road driving?

Driving an off-road vehicle on natural surfaces such as mud, rocks, sand dunes, snow, river bottoms, gravel, and so on is known as off-road driving. Off-roading competitions are held all over the world, including in India.

Some people enjoy off-road driving for recreational purposes, while others work as professional off-road drivers.


Off-road driving styles

Depending on the intensity of the drive and the risk of the track, off-road driving can take several forms. This is frequently a recreational sport of one of the varieties listed below.

  • Dune stomping
  • Racing in the desert
  • Racing on the rocks
  • Cross-country
  • Raid
  • Green Laning is a superhero.
  • Mudding and mud plugging are two different things.
  • Crawling on the rocks


Off-road driving has a number of risks

Off-road driving, as previously said, is a dangerous pastime. It has the potential to cause injuries as well as damage to the off-road vehicle. You must first comprehend the risks involved before deciding whether or not to engage in off-road driving.

Let’s take a closer look at the risks associated with off-road driving.


A mistake in judgment

Accidents are frequently caused by lapses in judgment, and one must practice driving to avoid them. When driving off-road, a lapse of judgment can have disastrous repercussions.

Assume Curry is driving upward on a winding, rough road with a cliff on his right. He was nearing a hairpin curve (a tiny U-shaped turn) when he underestimated the amount of acceleration he required to climb the steep incline.

The automobile was drifting dangerously backwards. He slammed on the brakes and accelerated to find a balance. If Curry hadn’t been quick enough, a misjudgment while turning might have cost him his life.


Visibility issues

Off-roading entails traveling unexplored roads in all kinds of weather. Visibility can be reduced when driving on an uneven road in severe rains, fog, snow, or at night in a deep forest.

You must concentrate on driving while anticipating the way ahead.


Problems with the vehicle

In this activity, the vehicle utilized for off-road driving is quite important. Because you’ll be travelling in isolated places for the most of the day, you might not get immediate help if your car breaks down.

Learning how an automobile works from the ground up can help to some extent. A malfunction, on the other hand, would be a dangerous circumstance because it could cause a delay in receiving assistance.


Off-road driving is covered by which auto insurance policies?

There are two major types of insurance plans in the field of car insurance: third-party liability insurance and comprehensive vehicle insurance. Compulsory Third-party Liability Insurance(CTPL Insurance), for example, will cover you for incidents involving a third party, such as death, injuries, property damage, disability, and so on.

This policy does not cover any damage to the vehicle, such as theft. Damage caused by oneself (damage to the insured car).

It covers the Own Damage component, the Comprehensive Car Insurance coverage will assist you in claiming damage to the vehicle. If you want to know if off-road driving is covered under your Comprehensive Car Insurance plan, you should contact the insurer.


Is it necessary for me to have off-road car insurance?

In the Philippines, car insurance is required by law. So, if you want to legally drive any type of car, you must purchase a car insurance coverage. The government requires drivers to purchase at least the most basic sort of automobile insurance, namely third-party coverage.

However, if Own Damage isn’t involved, this strategy falls short.

You must purchase a Comprehensive Car Insurance policy to cover any potential damage to the vehicle caused by off-road driving. This policy will provide financial protection against a variety of events such as theft, damage from natural or man-made calamities, fire, total loss, accidents, and so on.


Top three off-road driving safety advice

Keeping yourself safe will allow you to enjoy your off-road adventure. Otherwise, safety concerns will quickly detract from the enjoyment of the vacation.

Take a look at the most important safety precautions you should take to ensure a safe and enjoyable off-roading excursion.

Inside the vehicle limbs – The warnings you received from your elders about putting your hand out of the automobile still apply to off-road driving. It’s possible that you’ll be driving in tight spaces or through dense forest. Injuries can occur if you take your hands or feet out of the open automobile.

Secure the luggage – When off-roading for an extended period of time, people frequently bring additional food, cooking equipment, sleeping bags, safety equipment, camping gear, and so on. It is critical that all of these things are securely fastened in place. If not, the material could be dislocated by the continual rough roadways and sharp turns, resulting in injuries.

Rest and recharge – As much as it may seem appealing to continue traveling for an extended period of time, it is vital to take a break. Resting will help you focus better and prevent you from making mistakes while driving. During the bumpy voyage, consume foods that won’t make you sick. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, especially if you’re off-roading in the desert.