Metro Manila’s highways and inner streets, most of the time, seem chaotic for both veteran drivers and beginners alike. Some believe a good method to test your mettle is to drive around Manila’s crowded streets where the “rules” seem non-existent.
However, neither the law-abiding nor the raucous drivers can claim to have never been stopped by traffic cops.
It may be a bad turn, running a red light, or just a lack of concentration. Every driver has a tale to share about their run-in(s) with the authorities and how much trouble it caused them.
Here is a list of infractions, fines, and penalties you could encounter while driving about on a regular basis. I hope this essay will help you understand things better, increase your awareness, and help you drive more safely.

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LTO Administrative and Traffic Violations
Driving a car without a license
It’s a good practice to regularly check to see if you have your driver’s license with you before starting your car.
Because you will be fined Php 3,000 if it is not with you, or if it has expired, been suspended, or been revoked. Additionally, you can lose your right to a driver’s license and your right to drive for a full year. In order to avoid forgetting your license, be diligent about renewing it.
If a student driver is detected driving without a valid license, they will also be penalized the same amount.
Not wearing your seatbelt/helmet
One of the most frequently disregarded safety measures, the seat belt requirement applies to both the driver and passenger and is particularly important for those who are seated in the back of the car.
You shall pay a punishment of Php 1,000 for the first offense, Php 2,000 for the second offense, and Php 5,000 for the third and subsequent offenses. Please remember that wearing a seat belt not only protects your life, but it also prevents you from having to deal with a fine.
For motorcycle riders, the penalties for failing to wear a helmet is P1,500 for the first violation, P3,000 for the second, P5,000 for the third, and P10,000 for the fourth and subsequent offenses.
Driving while intoxicated or drugged
Many of us have personally or through the news seen accidents brought on by this breach.
The penalty for this offense ranges from Php 20,000 for accidents without fatalities or injuries to Php 80,000. You could be fined between Php 100,000 and Php 200,000 for accidents that resulted in damage or injuries.
In the worst-case situation, if a victim dies, you could be fined between Php 300,000 and Php 500,000 in addition to possible further legal repercussions.
A 12-month (1 year) license suspension is also possible for first-time offenders who have a Non-professional license and are discovered driving while under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances, according to the LTO this year.
Even if it’s just a first violation, a Professional license holder will have their license permanently revoked and will no longer be eligible to qualify for any sort of driver’s license going forward (read section 12. Penalties of the REPUBLIC ACT No. 10586).
Careless or reckless driving
When they see a clear road, drivers are occasionally tempted to speed up and drive carelessly, usually at night or in the early hours of the morning.
Accidents may also be caused by failing to obey traffic signs and by simply using your turn signal.
You will be fined Php 2,000 for the first offense, Php 3,000 for the second, and Php 10,000 for the third. Therefore, try to maintain self-control, stay vigilant, and always obey traffic signs.
Added infractions
You will be fined Php 1,000 for other infractions such illegal parking, disobeying traffic signals (running a red light), driving in banned locations or on prohibited routes, failing to dim your headlights, and illegal overtaking or turning.
The following offenses may also result in this penalty (through LTMS eLearning):
- Parking
- Traffic Sign Ignorance
- letting anyone other than a truck driver ride on the top or cover of a motor vehicle
- not providing canvass covers for trucks’ cargo or other items that need them
- allowing a passenger to ride on a moving motor vehicle’s running board, step board, or mudguard
- failing to turn off headlights when nearing another car
- driving into or through a space that is not meant for traffic or parking.
- tying up or allowing to be towed by a motor vehicle a person, a bicycle, motorcycle, tricycle, or skateboard.
- Driving against the flow of traffic is failing to pass to the right when approaching people or cars.
- Illegal turn: When making a left turn to cross from one highway to another, the motor vehicle must be driven to the right of the highway crossing.
- Illegal overtaking is when a person or a vehicle is passed while traveling in the same direction, unless there are two or more lanes available for the movement of traffic in that direction.
- Failure to move safely to the left of another motor vehicle when overtaking it is known as overtaking at an unsafe distance.
- Driving to the right side of the road after overtaking before the overtaken car is securely free of his motor vehicle is known as “cutting an overtaken vehicle.”
- Failure to yield to an overtaking vehicle, or failing to yield to a vehicle coming up behind him that wants to pass him when the former has provided an appropriate and audible indication
- Increasing speed when being overtaken means speeding up the car before the overtaking car has passed entirely.
- Driving to the left of the center line of a highway while passing or overtaking another vehicle traveling in the same direction when the left side is not clearly visible or is not clear of oncoming traffic for a long enough distance to pass safely.
LTO Traffic and Administrative Violations
Driving a car that doesn’t have the right accessories, equipment, or parts
These vehicle components consist of:
- Bells/horns/sirens/whistles
- Blinkers
- Brakes
- Early detection system (EWD)
- Grill/s
- Jalousies
- hand and foot brakes
- headlights, interior lights, brake lights, and signal lights
- Mirrors
- Mufflers
- metallic tires or a spare
- Speedometer
- Windshield
- Wipers
Any other add-on, tool, piece of machinery, or equipment that has a significant risk of creating accidents. A Php 5,000 fine will be assessed for any violations. Therefore, check the state of your car’s parts to avoid fines and promote road safety.
Please read: Common Gearbox Problems
Operating a car with the number plate improperly or incorrectly attached
Always check to see that your car’s license plate is securely fastened because a loose number plate could harm your vehicle and jeopardize safety. A Php 5,000 punishment will be assessed for a no plate infraction.
Violation of LTO Stickers
A Php 5,000 fine will be assessed for tampering with LTO stickers, using third-party stickers, and LTO decal violations.
Manipulating license plates
You will be fined Php 5,000 and the altered/illegal license plate will be taken away.
LTO Franchise Violations
Violations of Colorum
Unlicensed public utility vehicles found in operation.
- Bus: Php 1,000,000 PHP
- Vehicles – 200,000 PHP
- Jeepneys: 50,000 PHP
- Vans cost 200,000 PHP
- Sedans cost 120,000 PHP.
- MC – 6,000 PHP
When caught or reported and found guilty, the operator will be fined Php 5,000 for the first infraction, Php 10,000 and have their car impounded for 30 days, and Php 15,000 and have their CPC cancelled for the third crime.
Absence of adequate body marking
If the required body marks or identification are not applied to the vehicles, a Php 5,000 fine will be assessed for the first offense, a Php 10,000 fine and the vehicle will be impounded, and a Php 15,000 fine and cancellation of CPC will be assessed for the third offense.
Refusal to serve the general public
For this infraction, the first offense will result in a punishment of Php 5,000, the second offense will result in a fine of Php 10,000 and the vehicle will be impounded for 30 days, and the third offense will result in a fine of Php 15,000 and the cancellation of the Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC).
Franchise infractions also consist of:
- Not a Franchise
- Fake OR/CR
- Stupid Drivers
- Failure to provide a discount as required by current legislation
- the absence of “no smoking” signs
- Fast, tampered-with, and flawed taximeter
- violation of the color scheme
- No signboard and panel route
- passenger pickup and drop-off outside the terminal
- transporting unauthorized or forbidden cargo
- trip reduction
- Fare matrix not displayed
Your responsibilities as a driver on the road on a daily basis will be determined by how you adhere to the current/implemented vehicle laws. Additionally, it demonstrates respect for the implementer and placing your safety and the safety of others first.
To ensure your car and everyone’s safety, a simple reminder should be given to all drivers who have a history of forgetting certain guidelines.