A driver’s worst nightmare is getting into an accident involving a pedestrian. This is due to the fact that when a car hits a person, the risk of severe injuries increases and there are a variety of possible outcomes.

That being said, there are a particular set of steps that a driver should take when dealing with a vehicular accident with a pedestrian. Hitting a pedestrian is a shocking experience, but it’s always best to try to respond in a calm and methodical manner to ensure the best possible outcome.

Everyone needs to be aware of the fact that accidents do occur. Around the world, there are a lot of hit-and-run incidents, and one of the main causes of these is negligence.

If you hit someone with your car, you must take certain actions regardless of whether you were at fault.



Contact the Emergency Services

To ensure the survival of the person you accidentally hit, you must immediately report an accident to the police. The emergency response numbers for the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) are 117 and 136, respectively. It helps if the owner of the involved vehicle makes the call, though most other people will as well (if they aren’t too busy gawking and taking videos).

When they arrive, be prepared to provide them with your driver’s license and complete the incident report. Even though it seems obvious, be sincere. Although witness accounts may be somewhat contradictory, you and yours can bolster them.


Don’t forget to dial the cops

The next action is to make a police report. This is required by law since their evaluation of the incident may be useful to you in the future, particularly with regard to your insurance policy. It’s also crucial to remember that you should never leave the accident scene.

Leaving the site of the accident could get you into greater trouble and result in serious legal repercussions. Your situation might also turn into a hit-and-run incident, which would subject you to criminal prosecution.


Examine the injured

There is no way to dismiss the possibility of being struck by a moving vehicle. Checking for injuries in your own vehicle and then on the person you just hit should be among your top priorities. Since you might not be aware of the full extent of their injuries, check on them but don’t move them.

It is best to keep the victim conscious until emergency personnel arrive if they are conscious despite any injuries.



Most people tend to instinctively want to run when they feel fear. The fight-or-flight instinct in humans causes this reaction, and flight occasionally wins out. A misdemeanor is being involved in a car accident; a felony is fleeing, especially if there was a fatality.

Put your hazard lights on and park close by so you can be there to give the authorities the information when they arrive.

Of course, keep yourself safe as well if there is a reason to fear for your life.


Speak to your insurer

Along with all the incidental information, as shown below, this should be one of the next actions you take:

  • The accident’s date and time
  • Location
  • Information about your vehicle and any potential traveling companions
  • Images of your car’s damage

Have your insurance information on hand and be prepared to provide it to the victim (or their family). In order to prevent any claims you might need to make from being invalidated, make sure to do this as soon as you can.

When you tell the agent that your insurer will send a representative to the scene, be honest; if you omit information, your claim could be rejected once more. Your Compulsory Third-Party Liability Insurance will typically cover you, but there may be expenses that you will have to cover out of pocket. A comprehensive auto insurance policy will help with this.


Talk to your lawyer

These kinds of incidents can be messy because everyone is blaming one another. It might be a good idea to keep a lawyer on retainer to help you make sense of the situation you’re in.

Nobody ever intends for these things to occur, nor does anyone ever want them to. It can be challenging to process an incident like this, so it’s crucial to maintain your composure as you interact with everyone involved.

Driving safely is crucial, but understanding what to do in such a situation is even more crucial. A comprehensive motor car insurance policy will help with this.

This is when things might become challenging. It’s understandable that you would be horrified if you actually hit someone, but it’s crucial that you remain composed and aware of the situation. As strange as it may sound, you should hold off on making an apology for the occurrence because doing so could make you responsible for the mishap even though it wasn’t your fault.

Before you say anything that could be used against you in court, wait for the results of the investigation by the police and insurance. It’s possible that the pedestrian caused the collision; an example of this would be crossing the street carelessly or jaywalking.

Despite this, telling the authorities your version of the incident is still the recommended course of action in these kinds of circumstances. If you were breaching the law when the accident occurred, you could be charged with a serious offense.

Even if the pedestrian was judged to be at fault for the event, shifting the blame will not help you with your case. Once you’ve gotten in touch with them, your attorney should be able to provide you more guidance on what comments you should and shouldn’t make following the accident.



The section up top outlines the right method to handle situations like running into someone on the road. In this accident, you must maintain your composure so that you can react appropriately and prevent accidents.

Understanding the circumstance will enable you to respond responsibly by allowing you to make the best and simplest options.